
Authenticate (or verify) the identities of those users, processes, or devices, as a prerequisite to allowing access to organizational information systems.

Have a method in which users have to prove who they are to access something. If someone wants to change the way a machine works require a password, fingerprint scan, or keycard to verify.

You are in charge of purchasing. You know that some laptops come with a default username and password. You notify IT that all default passwords should be reset prior to laptop use [a]. You ask IT to explain the importance of resetting default passwords and convey how easily they
are discovered using internet searches during next week’s cybersecurity awareness training

-Using separate authentication mechanisms and credentials for users of the OT network and the corporate network (i.e., OT network accounts do not use corporate network user accounts)
-Using multi-factor authentication for remote access to the OT system
-Using modern technology, such as smart cards for user authentication

-NIST 800-171r2 3.5.2
-ANSI/ISA-62443-4-1-2018 3.1.9 Define Authentication page 20
-ANSI/ISA-62443-4-1-2018 5.3.6 Purdue Model why authentication is important
-NIST 800-82r3 6.2.1